
Is a 24V switching power supply enough for 3D printers?

With the popularity of 3D printing technology, more and more people are using 3D printers for creative production, prototype development and small-batch production. In these devices, power supply is one of the important factors affecting printing effect and stability. Especially in DIY and small and medium-sized desktop 3D printers, 24V switching power supply(One of the 24vdc power supply) is widely used. So, is a 24V switching power supply really enough for 3D printers? This article will answer this question in detail through several key questions.

1. How does a 24V switching power supply affect the performance of 3D printers?

Among the core components of 3D printers, power supply plays a vital role. It not only provides energy for the motherboard, stepper motor and hot bed, but also determines the overall operating stability and printing quality of the equipment. So, how does a 24V switching power supply specifically affect the performance of 3D printers?

Higher voltage brings faster heating speed of hot bed and nozzle

In 3D printing, the heating speed of hot bed and nozzle directly affects the preparation time and printing effect of printing. Compared with the traditional 12V power supply, the 24V power supply can provide higher power under the same current conditions. For example, for the same power hot bed, the current required by the 24V power supply is half that of the 12V power supply, which means that the resistance loss in the line is smaller, thereby improving the heating efficiency of the hot bed.

Specifically, the 24V power supply can heat the hot bed and the nozzle to the required temperature faster, reducing the waiting time before printing. This can significantly improve production efficiency for users who need to print frequently or perform continuous operations. In addition, the rapid response of temperature also helps to maintain stable temperature control during the printing process and reduce printing defects caused by temperature fluctuations, such as warping and poor interlayer adhesion.

Stable power output improves printing accuracy

The accuracy of the 3D printing process is closely related to the power output of the printer. When key components such as stepper motors and motherboard control chips are working, the power supply is required to continuously output stable voltage and current. Due to its design advantages, the 24V switching power supply can better adapt to the load changes of 3D printers and maintain stable output.

For example, when printing complex geometric shapes or high-resolution models, the printer needs to frequently adjust the stepping speed and direction of the motor. If the power output is unstable, the motor may respond inaccurately, thus affecting the printing accuracy. Due to its higher operating voltage, the 24-volt dc power supply or ac power supply can maintain stable output even when the current fluctuates greatly, ensuring that the printer can maintain high accuracy when moving at high speed and changing speed frequently.

Reduce line loss and heating problems caused by current

For the same power demand, the 24V power supply requires less current than the 12V power supply, which means that the loss in the circuit is lower when transmitting the same power. According to the electric power formula P=IV, at the same power, the higher the voltage, the lower the current required. Therefore, in the wiring of the 3D printer, the use of a 24V power supply can reduce the resistance loss on the line, thereby reducing the heat generated by the cable and connector.

This feature is particularly important when printing for a long time, especially for users who need to print large-size models or work continuously for many hours. The 24V power supply can help maintain the stability of the system and reduce failures caused by overheating. In addition, lower current can also extend the life of electronic components and reduce the maintenance cost of the printer.

2. Is the 24V switching power supply suitable for all types of 3D printers?

Although the 24V switching mode power supply has many advantages in 3D printers, it is not the best choice in all scenarios. Different types of 3D printers and different user needs will affect the choice of power supply. So, is the 24V power supply suitable for all types of 3D printers?


Mainstream choice for desktop 3D printers

For most desktop 3D printers, especially FDM (fused deposition modeling) printers commonly used by open source or DIY enthusiasts, 24V power supply has almost become a standard configuration. The reason is that desktop printers need to take into account performance, cost and ease of use, and 24V power supply can achieve a good balance between these three.

For example, the common Ender series, Prusa i3 series and other classic models all use 24V power supply systems. Their original design intention is to provide ordinary users with cost-effective solutions. 24V power supplies have good performance in power, efficiency and price. In addition, the supply chain of 24V power supply in the market is mature, and users can more easily find compatible components and upgrade accessories, which is one of the reasons why it has become a mainstream choice.

Applicability of Industrial and Large-Size 3D Printers

For large or industrial 3D printers, whether a 24V power supply is sufficient needs to be determined based on specific needs. Such devices usually require higher power to drive large-area hot beds, more powerful motors, and more complex control systems. For such high-load application scenarios, a 48V or even higher voltage power supply may be more suitable.

For example, some industrial 3D printers used for large-scale prototyping or production have a hot bed area of ​​several square meters, which requires a lot of power. In this case, a 24V power supply may not be able to meet the needs of fast heating and stable power supply. Therefore, choosing a higher voltage power supply can ensure that the system remains stable even at high power output.

In addition, for some printing tasks that require higher precision and speed, industrial 3D printers may need to use higher voltages to improve the response speed and stability of the motor to ensure printing quality. In these cases, a 24V power supply may not be enough to provide the required performance guarantee.

Considerations for small portable and entry-level 3D printers

Although 24V power supplies are widely used in desktop 3D printers, 12V power supplies may still be a reasonable choice for some small portable or entry-level 3D printers. These printers are usually aimed at beginners or users who need to be portable, and their designs focus more on cost control and lightweight.

For example, some portable 3D printers or teaching models in the education field may give priority to 12V power supply systems considering the overall weight of the equipment and the user's budget. The advantages of 12V power supply are its low cost and simple wiring. For scenarios that do not require high power output, 12V is sufficient. In addition, for some low-load printing tasks, 12V power supply can also meet basic needs without adding unnecessary costs.

Therefore, although 24V power supply performs well in most desktop 3D printers, for some small devices with specific purposes or higher-end industrial-grade devices, the choice of whether to use 24V power supply needs to be weighed according to specific needs.

3. What should I pay attention to when using 24V switching power supply?

When choosing a 24V switch mode power supply as the power supply for a 3D printer, users also need to pay attention to some details in actual operation. Correct installation and configuration can ensure the stable operation of the system and extend the service life of the equipment. So, what should be paid special attention to when using a 24V switching power supply?

Choose the right power supply power and brand

When purchasing a 24V switching power supply, power selection is a key point. The total power of a 3D printer includes the total power of the hot bed, nozzle, motherboard and motor. Therefore, when choosing a power supply, it is necessary to ensure that the rated power of the power supply is at least 10% to 20% higher than the total power demand of the device to prevent overheating or power supply damage when running at full load.

In addition, choosing well-known brands and market-proven power supply products is also the basis for ensuring the stable operation of the system. There are some low-priced but uneven-quality power supplies on the market. These inferior products may have unstable voltage, overheating and even safety hazards in actual use. Therefore, choosing those certified and well-reputed brands can provide guarantees for the long-term stable operation of 3D printers.

Pay attention to the heat dissipation and installation environment of the power supply

The 24V switched mode power supply will generate a certain amount of heat when running for a long time, especially under high load conditions, the heat dissipation performance of the power supply is particularly important. When installing, users should reserve enough heat dissipation space for the power supply and ensure that the installation location is well ventilated. Many high-quality power supplies have built-in intelligent fans that can automatically adjust the speed according to the temperature, which helps to keep the equipment working normally in a high temperature environment.

In addition, the installation location of the power supply also needs to be away from other heat-prone components such as hot beds and motors to avoid local overheating. At the same time, debris should not be piled around the power supply to avoid poor heat dissipation. If the heat dissipation effect of the power supply is not good, it is recommended to install additional fans or add exhaust channels in the chassis to improve the overall heat dissipation efficiency.

Ensure the compatibility of the power supply with the motherboard and accessories

The output voltage of the 24V switched-mode power supply is higher than that of the traditional 12V power supply, so when replacing the power supply or upgrading the system, you need to ensure that the motherboard, stepper driver, fan and other accessories are compatible with the 24V voltage. Most modern 3D printer motherboards support 24V input, but before installation, you still need to carefully check the specifications to ensure that all components operate well under high voltage.

For some old models or self-modified 3D printers, some accessories, such as fans, capacitors, etc., may need to be replaced or adjusted to meet the needs of the 24V system. Ensuring that all parts of the system operate at the same voltage is a prerequisite for ensuring stable operation of the equipment.

Avoid frequent power outages and voltage fluctuations

3D printing usually requires continuous operation for several hours or even longer, so the stability of the power supply is very important. When using a 24V switching power supply, it is recommended to avoid frequent switching on and off or using unstable power sockets. If the voltage fluctuation in the area is large, it is recommended to install a voltage stabilizer or uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to ensure the stability of the voltage during printing, and prevent printing failure or equipment damage due to voltage drops or sudden power outages.


In general, for most desktop 3D printers, a 24V switching power supply(SMPS) is not only sufficient, but also has obvious advantages in performance and efficiency. It can provide faster heating speed, more stable output and lower current loss, significantly improving printing effects and stability. However, whether to choose a 24V power supply also needs to consider the specific usage scenario and device type. For some small portable devices or high-power industrial-grade devices, different choices may need to be made according to actual needs.

When using a 24V switching power supply, reasonable power selection, heat dissipation management, and system compatibility check are the key to ensuring long-term stable operation of the device. By carefully considering these factors, users can improve printing performance while reducing maintenance costs and extending the life of the device. Whether in personal creation or professional production, choosing the right power supply will bring better experience and results to 3D printing.


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